Thursday 12 February 2015

Appdays & Makerparty at MRITS

Here is the blog update from the Malla Reddy Institute of Technology & Sciences , thank you for the huge response of the crowd there was 650+ crowd who shown very much interest in contributing to Mozilla.

We have reached the venue in time 9:30 am in the morning and later at 10:00 in morning we have kick started the event with the traditional  devotional Song and Lighting of the Diya

we have divied the whole event into two sessions morning session and the noon  session  

Inauguration of the club (Traditional lighting of Diya)
Introduction to Mozilla
Introduction to Mozilla's Mission &Products of Mozilla
 Benefits of contributing to Mozilla
 Intro to CSS and Html
Firefox OS App Development
Areas of Contribution with a brief introduction

II nd session

we have divided the whole crowd into 3 sections (200,100 and 350) according to their age and we have conducted the hands on session and Devthon  (development Marathon) for the participants and also we have distributed the prizes for the best app maker apps and firefox OS apps

Webmaker Tools

App maker
X-Ray Goggles
Popcorn maker 

Firefox app development a helloWorld application 
Marketplace deployment of the app

Thank you all guys:Akhilesh, Sai Charan Reddy, Hitesh, Kalyan Kumar, Varun, Akhil, and Giridhar of cource me Harsha

For a Huge Success of the event 

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